TL;DR: I created a small python package that allows you to share your jupyter notebooks right from the command line (like this one for example). To get started, visit or pip install nbhub
Sharing jupyter notebooks is a pain
We use jupyter notebooks for a wide range of things: quick analyses, serious projects, experimentation, and even for creating dashboards. However, when you want to share your work with someone that is not necessarily familiar with what a “jupyter notebook” actually is, you run into some problems.
Let’s take a look at some of the options you have available when you want to share a notebook:
- Send the file: Given that the person you want to share the notebook with has a good grasp on files that end with “.ipynb”, you can potentially just send them the notebook file, and let them open it on their computer. A major drawback here is that if the person you are sharing the notebook with has no clue about what a notebook is, they will have no idea on how to fire up a “.ipynb” file.
- Convert to a friendlier format and then send it: If the person you want to share the notebook with has no idea of what a notebook is, you can start by converting the notebook to, let’s say, an HTML format, and then send them the file via email. To do this, you would probably use a tool such as nbconvert. But have you seen a notebook converted to PDF? It looks far from ideal. Also, if you convert it to HTML, not everyone (unfortunately) knows how to open “.HTML” files in their computer.
- NbViewer: Given that your notebook is hosted in a public repo, this is your best option. You simply go to the website, paste the url for a notebook you want to share, and voila! However, you’ll need to set up a rapport gist to do this. And your notebook will be accessible to anyone.
- GitHub: If your notebook is in a public repo, you can also send them the link to the notebook in GitHub. But notice how the table of contents does not work, you can’t link to a specific section, and you need to host your notebook in a repo.
These are good options, but each one of them has drawbacks. In an ideal world, sharing a notebook should be as easy as sharing a link to a google doc, I envision something that:
- Does not require you to convert your notebook.
- Does not require you to create a repo, public or private.
- Does not require the person you are sharing the notebook with to learn anything new. (how to deal with .ipynb files, how to open .html files)
- Keeps a functioning table of contents.
- Allows you to link to a specific section.
- Allows you to set a simple password when sharing, so that your work isn’t exposed to the whole world.
- Allows you to share notebooks without leaving your beloved command line.
Enter NbHub.
NbHub: share your notebooks from the command line.
⚠️Preliminary note: NbHub is a proof of concept, or better, NbHub is a hack. It was developed in a weekend, has no guarantees of security or encryption, and is missing features like sharing notebooks with a password. For now, it’s a glorified self-hosted nbviewer alternative with a cli tool.
Let’s first see how it works from a user’s perspective, and then I’ll dive deeper into how it works.
To get started, simply install the command line tool using pip (even though you should be using something like pipx):
$ pip3 install nbhub
Now, let’s say I want to share the “Analysis.ipynb” notebook with someone. Simply run:
$ nbhub Analysis.ipynb
You’ll be walked through a simple command-line script that asks you a couple of questions. Once you are done, you’ll receive a link such as this one. By clicking it, you’ll see that your notebook is now on the web. You can just send that link to someone, and they’ll see your notebook.
Another thing that I love, is that if I’m sharing a very large notebook, I can even link to a specific section of it. For example, click here to jump to the “contextual relationships” section of the example notebook.
How NbHub works
NbHub consists of:
- A web server that receives a GET request with a notebook data field, and responds with a link to a notebook on that same web server.
- A command-line tool: The main package that walks the user through the process of sharing the notebook.
Let’s dive a bit deeper into these two:
The Webserver
The web server is a FastAPI app with 3 endpoints:
: the homepage, or what you see when you visit“/upload”)
: the endpoint that receives a post request with a notebook in the data field, converts it to .html, and then stores it in the server.get(“/notebook/id”)
: the endpoint that exposes a stored notebook, so that the user can see it.
You can visit the GitHub repo, or read the code below:
@app.get("/") # present homepage
async def home():
home_page = pathlib.Path("static/home.html").read_text()
return fastapi.responses.HTMLResponse(content=home_page, status_code=200)"/upload") # endpoint that receives notebook, converts and stores.
async def respond(request: fastapi.Request):
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).split("-")[0]
id_list = [item.stem for item in NOTEBOOK_STORAGE.glob("**/*.html")]
while unique_id in id_list:
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).split("-")[0]
notebook_path = NOTEBOOK_STORAGE / f"{unique_id}.ipynb"
html_path = NOTEBOOK_STORAGE / f"{unique_id}.html"
form = await request.form()
contents = await form[SITE_POST_LABEL].read()
notebook_json_keys = json.loads(contents).keys()
assert "nbformat" in notebook_json_keys
assert len(notebook_json_keys) == 4
assert sys.getsizeof(contents) / 1000000 < NOTEBOOK_SIZE_LIMIT
file = open(notebook_path, "wb")
converter =["jupyter", "nbconvert", notebook_path])
return {
"status": "success",
"path": f"http://{SITENAME}/notebook/{html_path.stem}",
"password": "None",
"expiry date": "None",
except Exception as e:
raise fastapi.HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="ERROR")
@app.get("/notebook/{notebook_id}") # serve notebook with particular ID
async def read_notebook(notebook_id: str):
file = pathlib.Path(NOTEBOOK_STORAGE / f"{notebook_id}.html")
if file.is_file():
file_contents = file.read_text()
return fastapi.responses.HTMLResponse(
content=file_contents, status_code=200
raise fastapi.HTTPException(
status_code=404, detail="Notebook does not exist."
The CLI tool
The command-line application is a Click application that emulates a post request with a given notebook. It also performs some user side checks.
You can visit the GitHub Repo, or read the main code below as well:
import click
import requests
SITE_POST_LABEL = "notebook-data"
def main(notebook):
"""Share notebooks from the command line.
NOTEBOOK is the jupyter notebook file you would like to share.
click.echo("\nWelcome to NbHub!")
click.echo(f"Consider supporting us at: {SITE_URL}\n")
click.echo(f"You are about to publish {notebook}\n")
click.confirm("Are you sure you want to publish it?", abort=True)
if click.confirm("Do you wish to set a password?"):
f"Private notebooks are not available yet! 😬, check {SITE_URL} for updates"
assert status_ok(POST_URL) == True
files = {SITE_POST_LABEL: open(notebook, "rb")}
response =, files=files)
if response.status_code == 200:
link = response.json().get("path")
click.echo("Published! ✨")
click.echo(f"Visit your notebook at: {link}\n")
click.echo("Sorry, something went wrong 😔")
def check_notebook(notebook):
if not notebook:
click.echo("No notebook provided, nothing to do 😇")
def status_ok(url):
click.echo("\nQuerying the interwebs.. 🌎")
except Exception:
click.echo("Sorry.. Our service appears to be down atm.")
return False
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
The road ahead
My idea with NbHub was simply to build something that works for me. For the past 2 months, I have been using it every week with clients or co-workers in projects. Of course, I haven’t been using it for sensitive information since the password feature is still missing.
In the main repo, I included a road-map of features I would like to implement to make the tool even more awesome:
- Date limit on notebooks to be destroyed.
- Ability to set a password on link creation for private notebooks.Or protecting notebooks with passwords.
- Improvements to CLI like only accepting notebook format.
- Web server improvements (auto clean ups, encryption, etc.)
For now, I’ll keep using it as a hack, because this hack works, and hacks are awesome.